Current Research Group

Currently, the Lozier Lab consists of a team of four scientists with a wide range of skills and experience. We love what we do, and we do it with passion. Learn more about the individual members of the Lozier Lab below.

Yao Fu, Ph.D.

Research Scientist (05/2021)

Yao is a physical oceanographer who is interested in large-scale ocean circulation and its role in the climate system. His current researches focus on understanding the overturning circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic (OSNAP) using observational data as well as the shallow overturning cells in the subtropical Atlantic (Subtropical cells) based on climate models.

Email Yao:
ResearchGate Profile

Anne-Sophie Fortin

Research Associate (09/2021)

Anne-Sophie’s current research focuses on the changes and variability in the Atlantic water masses’ properties over the past decades using hydrographic datasets. In addition, she works on developing an accessible Python code that will compute OSNAP pseudo-observations with model outputs.

Email Anne-Sophie:
ResearchGate Profile

Verónica Caínzos, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Associate (11/2023)

Verónica’s main interests are the variability of large-scale ocean circulation and the fate of biogeochemical variables in relation to major ocean currents. Her current research focuses on the transfer of nutrients between the subtropical and subpolar North Atlantic, as well as the evolution of dissolved oxygen in the North Atlantic.

ResearchGate Profile
Google Scholar Profile

Verónica Caínzos in a field wearing a blue jacket
Jiajia Chen standing in front of a crepe myrtle

Jiajia Chen, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Associate (12/2023)

Jiajia’s research interests include large-scale ocean circulation variability, water mass changes, and the effect of global warming. Her current research focuses on investigating heat, freshwater, and volume transports in the subpolar North Atlantic, as well as the impact of subpolar dynamics on the variability of the meridional overturning circulation and the mechanisms governing this variability.

Google Scholar Profile

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