Kimberley Drouin Investigating the Upper-Ocean Pathways, Dynamics, and Geometry of the South Atlantic (Ph.D., 2021)
Nicholas Foukal Ocean heat transport from the subtropical gyre to the subpolar gyre in the North Atlantic (Ph.D., 2018)
Sijia Zou Exploring the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (Ph.D., 2018)
Ryan Peabody The maintenance of high primary production in the absence of Ekman upwelling: The Supply of nutrients to the intergyre North Atlantic (M.S., May 2018)
Sarah Brody Physical drivers of the spring phytoplankton bloom in the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean (Ph.D., March 2015)
Apurva Dave Physical controls on low and mid-latitude marine primary productivity (Ph.D., February 2012)
Stefan Gary The interior pathway of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (Ph.D., October 2011)
Kristi Burkholder Subtropical to subpolar Lagrangian pathways in the North Atlantic and their impact on high latitude property fields (Ph.D., July 2011)
Jennifer Ayers Physical oceanographic controls on biological production and ocean-atmosphere carbon flux in the North Pacific (Ph.D., May 2011)
Jaime Palter On the horizontal advection and biogeochemical impacts of North Atlantic mode waters and boundary currents (Ph.D., July 2007)
Nicole Mich On the temporally-varying penetration of Mediterranean Overflow Waters into the subpolar gyre (M.S., November 2005)
Rachel A. Potter Climate Variability in the Eastern North Atlantic (M.S., May 2002)
Michaela Ciobotaru Iorga A climatological analysis and diagnostic model of the Mediterranean outflow in the eastern North Atlantic (Ph.D., May 1998)
Timothy J. Bold The influence of propagating waves on particle exchange (M.S., November 1994)